jeudi 28 février 2008

Using Color and Texture Indexing to improve Collaborative Filtering of Art Paintings.

Bibliographic reference :

KOHRS Arnd and MERIALDO Bernard. Using Color and Texture Indexing to improve Collaborative Filtering of Art Paintings.

Available at :

Extract :

"3 Content-Based Filtering
It is reasonable to expect that images with similar content will be almost equally interesting to users.
The problem is that de ning image content and image similarity is still an open problem. Ongoing research in multimedia indexing is focusing on two directions: { either each image is described by a textual caption, and captions are compared using techniques derived from document retrieval, { or analysis and recognition techniques are applied to the image pixels to extract automatically features which are compared using some distance measure in the feature space.
We focus on the second approach, because it can be entirely automated. In our prototype, we have currently implemented two feature extraction components, derived from the work described in [10, 11]: Color histograms and texture coe cients."

Dublin Core Metadata :

Title : Using Color and Texture Indexing to improve Collaborative Filtering of Art Paintings.
Creator : KOHRSArnd, MERIALDO Bernard
Subject : content analysis/ art paintings/ filtering/ indexing system
Description : « Information ltering is a key technology for the creation of Web sites, which are adapted to the user's needs. In this paper we identify collaborative ltering and content-based ltering as independent technologies for information ltering. We apply both technologies in our prototype user-adapting Web site, the Active WebMuseum, a recommender system for art paintings. Our new approach extends existing user pro les with content-based information gained through automatic image indexing. These extensions lead to a better performing collaborative ltering system. We validate our approach in o -line experiments. »
Publisher : Institut EURECOM { Department of Multimedia Communications
Date : None
Type : Text
Format : Pdf
Identifier :
Source : None
Language : En
Coverage : International
Rights : Institut EURECOM { Department of Multimedia Communications

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